Sunday, June 16, 2019

Update on Stephany's Health - 6.16.19

Dear all,
This is Stephany’s daughter Ashley, reaching out with an update about my mom and her health.
Late Wednesday night mom was admitted to North Kansas City Hospital for dehydration and a UTI. She is currently resting comfortably there, having received treatment for these problems.
In addition to her advancing Parkinson’s, including some cognitive decline, she has a herniated disc that has been causing extreme leg pain for months. Having exhausted all non-surgical options, this weekend the decision was made to keep her in the hospital for surgery to repair it.
A  microdiscectomy  is scheduled for Tuesday, and the plan is for her to return home on Wednesday or Thursday to begin rehab and start eating, drinking and moving much more than had been the case before her hospital stay.
Her significant other John and I, and her good friend Suzanne, have been at the hospital with her, and my brother Blake is arriving tomorrow. Any notes or messages you want to share, we know it would really lift her spirits to hear from her cherished family and friends at this time, and receive your care and support.
Moving forward we will post health updates here and try to link them to Facebook as well. You can also reach me at, John at and Blake at Mom is not able to check her phone or email at this time, though I am picking up her voicemails.

Many thanks,

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